Resident QI Primer

Residents have the unique combination of clinical knowledge and leadership ability, as well as exposure to a variety of practice settings during their training, to bring about positive change in the perioperative space.

If you want to make a change in your center, or are just curious about what opportunities there might be to do this, check out these simple steps to significantly reducing your professional carbon footprint.

Connect with a mentor for free

Sign up and we will pair you with a mentor with either site or domain expertise.

You can download a fillable version to quickly evaluate your current hospital site, and identify areas for improvement

Choose a project that you are passionate about

Maybe you have noticed a practice pattern at your site that could use improvement. If not, use the links embedded in the CASCADES Scorecard beside elements where your site is underperforming to see project charters and other resources detailing a stepwise approach to turning your “Not Working On” and “Partially Achieved” scores into “Achieved” ratings.

Implement your QI Project

Set a timeline for yourself.

Your project charter can tell you what metrics you want to measure, how you want to measure them, where to begin with implementation, and how to know when you have succeeded.

If you get stuck, lean on your mentor.